Delendum Research and ETH Zürich
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When comparing zk-SNARKs, we are usually primarily interested in three different metrics: prover time, verifier time, and proof length - some may also want to add quantum security and setup trust assumptions to that list.
Within the context of blockchains, there is one further criterion which I would argue to be as important as those three, and we’ll give it the clunky name aggregation-friendliness.
A zk-SNARK with universal setup can be said to be aggregation-friendly if (informally) there exists some m so that it is easy to merge m proofs \(P_{1},...,P_{m}\) into one proof \(P_{1,...,m}\) so that \(P_{1,...,m}\) is not much bigger than either \(P_{i}\), and certainly much smaller than the two of them together. Specifically there should exist a deterministic polynomial-time algorithm \(\mathfrak{A}\) (which we call the aggregator) and \(\mathfrak{V}_{\mathfrak{A}}\) (which we call the aggregation verifier) such that for any \(P_{1},...,P_{m}\):
The aggregation time \(|\mathfrak{A}(P_{1},...,P_{m})|\) is (quasi-)linear in m
The proof size \(|P_{1,...,m}|\) is sublinear in m and quasilinear in \(\max_{i}(\|P_{i}\|)\)
\(|\mathfrak{V}_{\mathfrak{A}}(P_{1,...,m})|\) is quasilinear in \(|\mathfrak{V}({argmax}_{i}(|P_{i}|))|\), where \(\mathfrak{V}\) is the verifier of the given zk-SNARK
So why is aggregation-friendliness so important to us? In blockchains, especially for scalability purposes, SNARKs are used to prove the validity of a bunch of statements at once. Now, if we want to prove a block of n transactions of, say for simplicity, the same size m, with a single zk-SNARK, the prover time will typically be O(\(nm\log nm\)). Often both proof length and verifier time are also non-constant in n. Bigger n therefore leads to significantly bigger costs, and furthermore, this doesn’t really scale with hardware parallelization or multiple provers.
On the other hand, imagine if the same proof system were aggregation-friendly, and let us for now ignore network limitations. You could have n different provers, each proving one transaction in time O(\(m\log m\)), and then aggregating them in time sublinear in n, therefore generating a block proof much more quickly. Hopefully the resulting proof would also not be much bigger than the original one or much more difficult to verify.
To hammer the point home, assume we have two schemes, \(S_{1}:=(\mathcal{P}_{1}, \mathcal{V}_{1}), S_{1}:=(\mathcal{P}_{2}, \mathcal{V}_{2})\). \(\mathcal{P}_{1}\) is more efficient that \(\mathcal{P}_{2}\), with the respective proving times for a statement of length m being \(t_{1} = 5m\log_{2}m, t_{2} = 10m\log^{2}_{2}m\). However, while \(S_{2}\) is aggregation-friendly, \(S_{1}\) is not. There exists an aggregator \(\mathcal{A}\) for \(S_{2}\) which can aggregate n proofs of a length-m statement in time \(4\log^{2}_{2}n\). In total, the proving time for \(P_{1}\) will be \(5nm\log_{2}nm\). On the other hand, we can run \(P_{2}\) in parallel for each of the statements, and then run \(\mathcal{A}\) to aggregate them into a single proof, for a total time of
\[10m\log^{2}_{2}m\cdot 4\log^{2}_{2}n = 40m\log^{2}_{2}m\log^{2}_{2}n\]Let’s look at how \(t_{1}\) and \(t_{2}\) compare for some different values of n and m:
For n = 2, m = 2, we have \(t_{1}=40, t_{2}=80\)
For n = 8, m = 4, we have \(t_{1} = 800, t_{2} = 5760\)
For n = 4096, m = 16, we have \(t_{1} = 5242880, t_{2} = 1474560 \simeq 0.28\cdot t_{1}\)
Here we see that, although \(\mathcal{P}_{1}\) performs significantly better than \(\mathcal{P}_{2}+\mathcal{A}\) for small n, it’s a very different story for big n, and should make it clear why aggregation-friendliness is important.
This post will focus on some different approaches to zk-SNARK proof aggregation. At a high level, there are three axes which divide them into categories:
Recursive/Batching: Recursive proofs are proofs of proofs. We refer to non-recursive aggregation methods as "batching"
Sequential/Parallel: Can the scheme be executed in parallel?
Algebraic/Arithmetization-based: This distinction will become clear once we look at some examples.
Popular zk-SNARK Aggregation Constructions
As so much of cryptography, zero-knowledge and otherwise, Halo is based on elliptic curves. Specifically, it uses a polynomial commitment scheme (PCS), which was previously used in another well-known zk-SNARK scheme, namely Bulletproofs: Given an elliptic curve E (where we write \(E(\mathbb{F})\) for the group defined by the points on E in the field \(\mathbb{F}\) over which we work) and random points \(P_{i}\in E(\mathbb{F})\), one can commit to a polynomial p(x) = \(\sum_{i}a_{i}x^{i}\) with the element \(\sum_{i}a_{i}\cdot P_{i}\), where \(\cdot\) denotes scalar multiplication in the additive group \(E(\mathbb{F})\). This commitment is also often written as \(<\textbf{a},\textbf{P}>\) as if it were an inner product.
The "inner product argument" (IPA) is a protocol between the prover and the verifier where the prover tries to convince the verifier that he knows the polynomial corresponding to his commitment. Roughly speaking, he does this by iteratively chopping his tuples a and P in two equally long tuples and then putting them together so as to get two new tuples of half the length. Eventually, after a logarithmic number of rounds, the prover is left with a single equation, where, almost if and only if he has acted honestly throughout will he be able to satisfy the verifier’s final challenge.
The problem is that, although the number of rounds is nice and small, the verifier still needs to compute two "inner products" of "vectors" of the original length. One may think that this ruins the protocol: the verifier’s work is now linear rather than logarithmic. However, this is where the recursive proof composition (aggregation) comes in:
The aggregation technique largely relies on an ad hoc polynomial g\(_{u_{1},...,u_{k}}\)(x), which is defined in terms of the verifier’s challenges \(u_{i}\) to the prover in the IPA. As it turns out, g\(_{u_{1},...,u_{k}}\)(x) can be used to compute both of the "inner products", where we will focus on one of them: At the end of the IPA, the prover has a single elliptic curve point P. As it turns out, by the construction of g\(_{u_{1},...,u_{k}}\)(x), the commitment to it defined by the above scheme yields exactly P! The other "inner product" can also be defined as an evaluation of g\(_{u_{1},...,u_{k}}\)(x). This does not help us directly, as evaluating the polynomial still takes linear time, however, the prover can now create such polynomials for many statements, commit to them, and then at the end prove that a linear combination of them corresponds to a desired value - this uses a property of the PCS which we have not mentioned thus far, namely that it’s additively homomorphic (specifically, it’s based on Pedersen commitments).
To recap, the verifier previously had to do a linear-time operation for each statement. By invoking a certain polynomial with some nice properties, the prover can defer the final opening proof until he has computed and committed to arbitrarily many such polynomials. Halo people often talk about the "inner" and the "outer" circuit to reflect the distinction between the point of view of the prover (who finishes most of each proof before computing an aggregated proof for all together) and the verifier (for whom the proof really boils down to the linear-time computation she has to perform).
For specifics, we refer to the original Halo paper. The Halo approach is clearly algebraic in its nature: It depends on the nice homomorphic properties of Pedersen commitments, as well as a particular polynomial. Moreover, it is sequential: The prover iteratively adds commitments \(G_{1}, G_{2},...\) to his inner proof, before opening a linear combination of them at the end of the protocol. Finally, it is recursion-based: The prover proves the validity of the previous inner proof to the current one.
Halo 2 is used by several protocols, and its main selling point is the aggregation property. Notably, Mina protocol uses Halo to create a constant-sized blockchain, in the sense that the validity of the current state is proven simply by verifying the validity of the proof of the previous state together with the transactions in the last block. Finally, a proof is computed, representing everything that has happened up to that state.
Electric Coin Company, the developer of the scheme, recently incorporated Halo 2 as part of their upgrade to the Orchard shielded pools.
Halo 2 is also used by the zkEVM rollup project Scroll, in order to aggregate multiple blocks into one final proof and thereby amortize the L1 verification costs between them.
Plonky2 emphasizes the modular nature of zk-SNARKs: We need some arithmetization scheme, a PCS, a zero test, and a consistency check between the arithmetization polynomials and the constraint polynomial.
The goal of the scheme is to make recursive proving extremely fast, i.e. for two (or more) Plonky2 proofs, proving the validity of them with a single proof should be a small computation.
As an aside, why not simply use PLONK? While an elliptic curve E defined over some finite field \(\mathbb{F}_{q}\) can have q points over \(\mathbb{F}_{q}\), those curve/field combinations are not appropriate within the setting of cryptography. Instead, say E(\(\mathbb{F}_{q})\) has r elements for some prime r. Then the arithmetic of the group is defined over \(\mathbb{F}_{r}\), a different field altogether. This means that for a proving scheme for \(\mathbb{F}_{q}\)-arithmetic satisfiability, the verifier has to perform arithmetic over \(\mathbb{F}_{r}\). This means that the recursive proof must use a circuit defined over \(\mathbb{F}_{r}\), the recursive proof of that a different field, and so on. Halo in fact heavily relies on the existence of 2-cycles of curves, namely tuples (E,q), (E’,r) such that q and r are primes and \(\#E(\mathbb{F}_{q})=r, \#E'(\mathbb{F}_{r})=q\).
Back to Plonky2. Because of the aforementioned issues with elliptic curves, the scheme essentially takes advantage of the flexibility of the so-called Plonkish arithmetization, while using a PCS which doesn’t rely on elliptic curves. Specifically, Plonky2 replaces the KZG-based proof with FRI. We will only briefly describe FRI here:
For any univariate polynomial f(x) \(\in \mathbb{F}[x]\), we can consider the polynomials \(f_{even}\)(x) and \(f_{odd}(x)\) defined by the coefficients of the even and odd powers of x in f(x), respectively. Note also that the degree of both of those polynomials is at most half the degree of f and that \(f(x) = f_{even}(x^{2}) + x\cdot f_{odd}(x^{2})\)
Roughly speaking, we can iteratively commit to polynomials
\(f(x) = f^{(0)}(x),...,f^{(\log deg f)}(x)\) such that deg \(f^{(i)} \leq\)
deg \(f^{(i+1)}/2\) by evaluating them over certain appropriate domains
and Merkle-committing to the evaluations.
For the verifier, and hence the construction of recursive proofs, the main computational task lies in computing hashes to verify Merkle paths. The high-level idea is that while for vanilla PLONK complex arithmetic expressions (such as hash functions) lead to deep circuits, it’s possible to implement custom arithmetic gates which themselves compute more complex expressions than addition and multiplication.
Plonky2 implements custom gates which ensure that the verifier circuit is shallow, as well as some other engineering optimizations, in order to make recursive proving as fast as possible. Plonky2 was created by the formerly Mir Protocol, now Polygon Zero team.
Arithmetization-based + Algebraic
Unlike the two preceding schemes, Nova is not universal; it can only be used to incrementally verify computations \(y^{(i)}=f^{(i)}(x)\). The authors themselves consider it as a "Halo taken to the extreme". Unlike Halo, each step of Nova does not output a zk-SNARK, but a more minimal construction, and the authors have dubbed this technique incrementally verifiable computation (IVC). Nova is indeed faster than Halo, but this also has the consequence that not any arbitrary output is suitable within every context (as is the case for Halo), and the idea of IVC is really, as the name suggests, to prove the validity of n repetitions of the same computation on the same input and not care about any individual step i \(<\) n.
Nova uses a modified R1CS arithmetization which allows the prover to "fold" two instances (one representing the recursive "proof", one representing the current step of the computation) into one. The prover ultimately proves the validity of the final folded R1CS instance with a zk-SNARK, which, thanks to the properties of the IVC scheme, proves the validity of all n invocations of f.
Although not appropriate for most applications we’re interested in within a blockchain context, we have included Nova because the idea of IVC is nevertheless interesting: Take some half-baked proofs, which by themselves are neither zero-knowledge nor succinct, then aggregate and construct a single proof at the end.
The schemes we have seen up to this point have been zk-SNARKs optimized for aggregation, i.e. the aggregation techniques are essentially baked into the respective protocols. SnarkPack takes a different approach: it is constructed as an addition to an already existing zk-SNARK, namely Groth16. In this sense, SnarkPack is the first (and only) true aggregation scheme covered here.
Groth16 uses the popular KZG polynomial commitment scheme, and the
verification of the proof includes checking an equation of the form
\(e(A,B) = Y + e(C,D)\) for an elliptic curve pairing
\(e: E_{1}(\mathbb{F})\times E_{2}(\mathbb{F})\rightarrow E_{pairing}(\mathbb{F})\)
and points
\(A,C\in E_{1}(\mathbb{F}), B,D \in E_{2}(\mathbb{F})\), and
\(Y\in E_{pairing}(\mathbb{F})\) (\(E(\mathbb{F})\) here denotes the group
of points (x,y) on the elliptic curve E with \(x,y\in \mathbb{F}\)). An
elliptic curve is a bilinear non-degenerate map, where the bilinearity
is most important to us. To see why, imagine for a moment Y=0,
\(A_{1}, A_{2}, C_{1}, C_{2}\in E_{1}(\mathbb{F})\), and we want to check
the validity of the equation \(e(A_{i},B) = e(C_{i},D), i=1,2\)
One way of verifying this equation is to pick a random r \(\in\mathbb{F}\) and check
\[\label{eq:ec_1} e(A_{1},B) + re(A_{2},B) = e(C_{1},D) + re(C_{2},D)\]Now, bilinearity of e implies that the left side of the equation can be rewritten as \(e(A_{1}+rA_{2},B)\) and likewise for the right side, so that we have reduced to \(e(A_{1}+rA_{2},B) = e(C_{1}+rC_{2},D)\) Importantly, we only have to compute two elliptic curve pairings rather than four (pairings are expensive).
For m proofs we can imagine the same approach yielding even greater benefits. Now, the above toy example does not fully apply to Groth16; in particular Y cannot be assumed to be 0, and B does not remain constant for different i.
For m Groth16 proofs \(\pi_{i}=(A_{i},B_{i},C_{i})\), the SnarkPack aggregation scheme computes \(Y_{i}=Y(\pi_{i})\) as according to Groth16, and samples the random element r as in our toy example.
Denote by
\[C^{(m)} := \sum_{i=0}^{m-1}r^{i}C_{i}{\;and\;} Y^{(m)} := \sum_{i=0}^{m-1}r^{i}Y_{i}.\]The aggregated equation to be checked is of the form
\[\sum_{i=0}^{m-1}r^{i}e(A_{i},B_{i}) = Y^{(m)}+C^{(m)}\]This looks very linear, and therefore not all that nice, however, the prover can use the IPA technique also used in Halo, in order to ensure that the proof size as well as the verifier time are logarithmic in m.
Some Potentially Interesting Approaches
Since writing this section, we have come across the brand new paper aPlonk, which is essentially SnarkPack for PLONK. Nevertheless, the idea here is slightly different, and so it should still be worth exploring.
SnarkPack is Groth16-based, and therefore not relevant for applications relying on universal SNARKs, such as blockchain execution layers. There are some problems with adopting that kind of approach to KZG-based universal zk-SNARKs: For one, most of the ones we have are IOPs, in practice meaning that they rely on random challenges from the verifier. Each proof will have different challenges contained within it, and this is a problem for aggregation schemes relying on structural properties of e.g. the elliptic curve pairing in KZG.
That said, we can think of aggregation within different contexts:
In SnarkPack, one can simply take n proofs and aggregate them.
Note: for SnarkPack, specifically, the circuit has to be the same for all because Groth16 is non-universal. We are focused on schemes for aggregating proofs of arbitrary circuits into one.
One might imagine a synchronous scheme where n provers with n statements to prove, build an aggregated proof together. After each prover has completed a given round, the verifier sends the same random challenge to all of them
(1) is the SnarkPack approach, and it is ideal in the sense that a scheme like this offers the most flexibility and universality.
(2) will generally entail significant communication costs, however we can imagine each prover simply as a core on a GPU. In this case, the approach may well make sense (this is the approach taken by the aPlonk authors as well). This is also very much relevant to today’s problems, as all current zk-rollups have one prover per block, i.e. there’s not a decentralized network of provers each proving the validity of individual transactions, and there likely won’t be for a long time.
For an approach based on homomorphism similar to SnarkPack, then, it’s natural to look at PLONK, which within our framework can be seen as a universal counterpart to Groth16 - the main innovation of PLONK arguably lays in its arithmetization, which we consider to be irrelevant for this kind of aggregation scheme.
As we have seen, in PLONK, the goal is to prove the validity of some equation of the form: \(P(x) \equiv 0 { mod } Z_{H}(x)\) For m such polynomials \(P_{1}(x),...,P_{m}(x)\). For linearly independent elements \(\alpha_{i}\), roughly speaking, for each \(P_{i}(x)\) the corresponding such equation holds if and only if: \(\sum_{i}\alpha_{i}P_{i}(x)\equiv 0 { mod } Z_{H}(x)\) In practice it’s not that easy, as we do not get these nice, linear relations. Specifically, for vanilla PLONK, the equation to be proved is of the form:
\[\label{eq:plonk} \omega_{L}(x)q_{L}(x) + \omega_{R}(x)q_{R}(x) \\ + \omega_{L}(x)\omega_{R}(x)q_{M}(x) + \omega_{O}(x)q_{O}(x) + q_{C}(x)\equiv 0 {\,mod\,} Z_{H}(x)\]where the \(q_{I}\)(x) define the circuit and the \(\omega_{J}\)(x) constitute the witness. Assuming, then, that all those polynomials are defined such that we have \(\alpha_{i}q_{I,i}(x)\) and \(\alpha_{i}\omega_{J,i}(x)\), the aggregated polynomial is no longer equal to 0 modulo the vanishing polynomial. Specifically, the left side of the previous equation now looks like
\[\begin{split} \alpha_{i}\omega_{L,i}(x)\alpha_{i}q_{L,i}(x) + \alpha_{i}\omega_{R,i}(x)\alpha_{i}q_{R,i}(x) \\ +\, \alpha_{i}\omega_{L,i}(x)\alpha_{i}\omega_{R,i}(x)\alpha_{i}q_{M,i}(x) + \alpha_{i}\omega_{O,i}(x)\alpha_{i}q_{O,i}(x) + \alpha_{i}q_{C,i}(x) = \\ \alpha_{i}^{2}\omega_{L,i}(x)q_{L,i}(x) + \alpha_{i}^{2}\omega_{R,i}(x)q_{R,i}(x) \\ +\, \alpha_{i}^{3}\omega_{L,i}(x)\omega_{R,i}(x)q_{M,i}(x) + \alpha_{i}^{2}\omega_{O,i}(x)q_{O,i}(x) + \alpha_{i}q_{C,i}(x) \end{split}\]where the problem is that we have different powers of \(\alpha_{i}\) for the different terms. This is likely not an unsolvable problem; for example, the "circuit aggregator" could simply multiply the various \(q_{I,i}(x)\) with powers of \(\alpha_{i}\), so that this ultimately ends up as an equation of the form
\(\sum_{i}\alpha_{i}^{k}P_{i}(x)\equiv 0\, { mod }\, Z_{H}(x)\) for some k \(>\) 1.
This does raise another issue, namely that the set \(\{a_{i}^{k}\}_{i,k}\) cannot be assumed to be linearly independent. Setting \(\alpha_{i}:=L_{i}(y)\) for the Lagrange polynomials \(L_{i}(y)\) defined on some set of size m easily solves this, as the set \(\{L_{i}^{k}(y)\}_{i,k}\) is linearly independent. It might also provide some geometric intuition.
We are fairly certain that this approach will work with some tweaking. Of course, PLONK is not as simple as proving this one equation directly, and one does encounter some issues down the road.
Multilinear Polynomials
We observe that multilinear polynomials will become increasingly popular for arithmetization, in particular with the recent release of HyperPlonk, which has some exciting properties such as the possibility for high-degree custom gates. The main benefit of multilinear polynomials is the O(n) interpolation, as opposed to O(n\(\log\)n) for univariate polynomials. We interpolate over the Boolean hypercube \(\{0,1\}^{t}\), and for a function \(f:\{0,1\}^{t}\rightarrow \mathbb{F}\), its multilinear extension is defined as:
\[{f}(\textbf{x}) = \sum_{\textbf{w}\in\{0,1\}^{t}}f(\textbf{w})\cdot {Eq}(\textbf{x}, \textbf{w})\]where for two length-t vectors x, y:
\[{Eq}(\textbf{x},\textbf{y}) = \prod_{i=1}^{t}(x_{i}y_{i}-(1-x_{i})(1-y_{i}))\]We see that if x and y are binary, Eq(x,y) = 1 iff x = y, 0 otherwise, hence the name.
There is an isomorphism between the additive group of all univariate polynomials of max degree \(2^{t}-1\) with coefficients in \(\mathbb{F}\) and the group of all multilinear polynomials with t variables. We call this the power-to-subscript map, and it sends a power \(x^{k}\) to the monomial \(x_{0}^{i_{0}}...x_{t-1}^{i_{t-1}}\), where \(i_{0}...i_{t-1}\) is the binary decomposition of k. The inverse is
\(x_{0}^{i_{0}}...x_{t-1}^{i_{t-1}}\mapsto x^{i_{0}\cdot 2^{0}}...x^{i_{t-1}\cdot2^{t-1}}\).
Multilinear to univariate interpolation
This raises one (not directly related to aggregation) question: Is it possible to do O(n) univariate interpolation by first doing multilinear interpolation over the Boolean hypercube and then choosing a fitting map to turn into a univariate polynomial? At this point, we may think that the answer is obviously a positive one, since we have the power-to-subscript map and its inverse, however that does not work; evaluations on the hypercube are not mapped to the corresponding evaluations in \(\mathbb{F}\) (Thanks to Benedikt Bünz for pointing this out).
Sadly, there is reason to think this doesn’t exist. First of all, someone would have probably already thought of this, since O(n) univariate interpolation would be a massive deal.
More concretely, the missing piece to our puzzle is the so-called pullback
\(\varphi^{*}\) for \(\varphi: \mathbb{F}\rightarrow\{0,1\}^{t}, n = \sum_{j} i_{j}2^{j}\mapsto (i_{0},...,i_{t-1})\)
For \(f(x_{0},...,x_{t-1})\in\mathbb{F}[x_{0},...,x_{t-1}]\), \(\varphi^{*}f(x)\) is defined as f(\(\varphi(x))\), so \(\varphi^{*}f\) is exactly the univariate polynomial we’d want to map f to.
The problem, then, is to find a closed form of the map \(\varphi\). If we can do this, we have solved the problem. More likely it does not exist.
Better recursive proofs
In HyperPlonk, the authors use KZG commitments. For a Plonky-like approach, we would like something hash-based such as FRI. There does in fact exist a FRI analogue for multivariate polynomials. The problem occurs where we need to check the consistency of the witness with the final prover message of the sumcheck protocol.
Specifically, the prover uses sumcheck in order to check that an equation of the kind \(\sum_{\textbf{x}\in\{0,1\}^{t}}P(\textbf{x}) = 0\), where \(P(\textbf{x})=C(\omega(\textbf{x}))\) for the constraint polynomial C and the witness \(\omega\) (we’ll treat \(\omega\) as a single polynomial for simplicity). At the end of the protocol he sends a field element \(m_{final}\) which should correspond to P(\(r_{1},...,r_{t})\) for random verifier challenges \(r_{i}\).
The issue here is that a Merkle commitment corresponding to the values of \(\omega\) evaluated over, say, \(\{0,1\}^{t}\), cannot simply be opened at \((r_{1},...,r_{t})\). Actually, this is not quite true; one of the nice facts about multilinear polynomials is that if we have the evaluations of \(\omega\) over \(\{0,1\}^{t}\) we can use this to compute \(\omega(r_{1},...,r_{t})\) for any random such point. The drawback is that this takes \(O(2^{t})\) time, so it’s linear in the witness size. It also likely requires access to nearly all the leaves of the tree, which kind of defeats the point.
This leaves us with a few open questions:
Is there an efficient way for the prover to prove that he has computed \(\omega(r_{1},...,r_{t})\) correctly, for example using the formula mentioned? (see for details)
If not, is there some other recursion-friendly PCS which could be used?
As it turns out, we have likely found a solution to 1 (see this video).
This seems to be a promising direction, due to the linear proving time and the increased flexibility with respect to custom gates. It also ought to be mentioned that the use of the sumcheck protocol adds a logarithmic term to the proof, which is more annoying for KZG-based than FRI-based proofs, as the latter are already polylogarithmic (bigger than the sumcheck part) whereas the former are constant-sized (much smaller) by default.
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